why blindly venture into a relationship when you can't even live by yourself happily? it's like asking why dip your hands into a beehive. or why jump out of the 100th floor with a towel. or why press the snooze button when you know you are already going to be late for work.
ramifications ramifications ramifications. that's all there is to it. if you think that by sacrificing your 'single status', it would lead to accruing bliss, then you are in for an unpleasant shock. you'd realize it justifies nothing. you gain nothing substantial.
learn to explore new things in life. learn to notice and observe your surroundings, the frantic colors, the incessant noise or the unending sky. learn to open yourself up to opportunities. learn to say yes. learn to fill your mind up with 'I'. learn to widen your horizon of knowledge. and most importantly learn to understand yourself. the things you desire. the things you need. the things you like.
i love this post :) very succinctly put.