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Monday, March 14, 2011


Few years back we would have scoffed at the very idea of a Hollywood 'Disaster' movie coming to life. Voila. With the diversified media coverage that subtly seeps into our daily lives, we cannot subconsciously escape from knowing the most recent updates despite the fact that most of us are barely cognizant of the chaos around us, much like how donkeys are aware of the presence of black holes.

Remember the scene where the towering wave of green seawater rushes to land at a ferocious speed in 2012? Well swivel the 'Dramatic Knob' a little lower and you will see it on your local news, where such a disastrous calamity is reported, ironically, in the boring mundane manner of the lackluster newscasters. The level of devastation is just unbelievable. It is clearly beyond an insurmountable force here;  as the whole world watches helplessly - how the unending gush of seawater destroys and ravages anything in its path.

You will see the fortunate survivors crying, hanging on for their dear lives and doing all they can to help others. But you will never, ever be able to empathize them. Because you don't see buildings being ripped apart by water, buildings you pass by everyday, buildings you have been to, even buildings you have seen being constructed. You don't live in the propinquity of an endangered nuclear reactor that emits poisonous hazardous and invisible radiation into the air. You don't lose everything that you have assiduously worked for for the past ten years. You don't have to see people die in front of your eyes, maybe even loved ones.

Yet here on the other side of the world we have autocrats going about their buffoonery under some delusional mindset, whilst killing many in the process.

To an unbiased outsider, we seem to be gladly rushing towards the 'End of the World' with our hands wide open, as if all the natural catastrophes that have torn the land asunder aren't enough.

Well, I guess that is what it takes to be human.

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