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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

i am like glass,

so are you. we all are rather hard on the outside but fragile like hell inside. and when we break, the fragments we burst into will hurt all those around us, nothing really serious but it can cut deep enough to leave a scar, imprinted forever in their lives; even for those who know how to pick them splinters up, cleaning up the mess we made mmm slowly but surely we will be recycled (: back to a new old glass. ta daa. i just made a life analogy with a glass.

so i am down to 9 papers. 2 by this friday maths and physics. i need to be a sponge. WAIT-not that kinda sponge where i live off others. i am talking about the kind that absorbs umm water just that in this case it's knowledge i am referring to shit this para is getting lamer with every additional word. NEXT!
i will end this post with a cheesy pick up line since someone said i am full with it, so much so that i can write a book. ugh.

'Hi, are you all that inside like how you are outside( hand gestures)?'

technically this can actually work if you say it with enough poise & grace. HAHAHA. try it and tell me.

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