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Saturday, March 20, 2010

coffee lover part 1 + my books.

okay...here goes my goal for next week.


 okay okay! sounds impossible but this time around i am having myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy COFFEEEEEEE! :D

YUP YUP YUP! see that bag of Nescafe there? let's see what caffeine does to me okay ^^v

anyway my books. ahhh. these are three of the books i have currently in my room. as in the three that really affects me and the way i think yeah.

first book, The God Delusion.

hmm, lovely book. though i haven't finished that book yet, it really entices me in ways i cannot fathom. and it is very interesting! promise i will update once i am done [starting already, again ]

second one, well...it's called The Stylelife Challenge.
what it is about you ask me? it's somewhere along the kinda book that teaches you how to pick them girls up. but that is not why i am reading it. i don't apply stuff that i read there on girls. what i take from this book are the values that it teaches me, well you may say 'dude it's a pick them up girls book, how much value can there really be?' but yes. there are important things that this book contains. and well it's pretty enlightening at times :D

the third one. ahh. The Pact by Jodi Picoult.
hmm. this book eh. wellll..i don't know why but i felt deeply connected to it somehow or rather when i read it and i was really moved. it definitely affected the way i think. period.

enjoy your weekends! cheers.

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