everyone can retort. blunt ones. witty ones. sharp ones. hurtful ones. funny ones.
but what most can't do is to accept. now read carefully, imma digress for a brief moment. here's an excuse that's bound to work when your parents are angry at you for 'answering' them.
" No one, sons and daughters included are born with the natural ability to take orders directly without questioning them, be it within or without. We challenge them, mentally or verbally because everyone has a different stand and IF a pair of twos were to have the same perspective, then whatever that comes out from either mouth is definitely not going to be close to an order. It's going to be a revelation of how alike you two think. SO, we are made to defy, not to a defy-or-die point per se but you get my point. Hence, whenever we 'answer' you, do not for one second think that we are doing so just for the sake of forming an annoying resistance because all we really want to achieve is for you to understand OUR point-of-view. AND [ this is the most important part ] if you as our parents can't even accept us, as your child, to want you to understand our way of thoughts but instead choose to conclude that we are just aiming to anger you then who else out there will bother with how we think? " i self-crafted this. it can be a lot more flowery though anyway this only applies to young adults who can think for themselves of course. to hell with those kids who whine and answer back at you. HIT THEM.
OKAY. Back to topic.
To accept. That is a move most people cannot, can never do. And when i say accept i mean even if you are right and that person is in the wrong, you take it all in. I am sure you think that people will figure it's a sign of weakness coming from you but look at it this way, it's a hidden strength. Don't waste time explaining yourself to these people. If they are any good they will feel bad in no time and an immediate apology will follow. If they don't? Well let's just say it's time saved because they'd NEVER accept your point of view. Besides, you will see how stupid you make these people feel when you don't respond in the way they thought you would, which is to retort.
AND if you are really good, you could actually RETORT by NOT RETORTING. Now that's a skill. To quote what i heard recently, you slap that person in the face and you have him/her come thanking you for doing that. So yeah.
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