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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

what does the rain do to you?

twisted in the meticulous conformity of life lies series of understated and overstated mysteries. ones that we will seek to understand, think we understood but actually never really getting it. it's quasi-magical. maybe it's best you leave it at that. but not me, my curiosity leads me. i don't settle.

it's raining.

makes you sleepy doesn't it? like you, rain has the same effects on me, yet, i prefer to think, just about anything.rain is in itself a microcosm present in our life. imagine this, imagine if you could slow down time according to the fraction you want to..till you could hear, feel and sense every single drop of the rain surrounding you, counting them until they get in sync with your heartbeats, witnessing each tear-shaped bubble of mixed water splash onto the cold hard ground, forming an ephemeral eddy exactly at the spot where it hit. and more drops splatter all around that spot, forming a cadence of sound...as if the rain is trying to speak to us an ancient secret.

well that is not what i was thinking anyway. my mind was more along the line of rainbows. ahh. one magnificent splendour of nature that our puny senses will never be enough to comprehend the simplicity, in which i am referring to the refraction of light as well as the complexity behind them rainbows. could really well make your day can't it? and the best thing is it comes after a rain usually, of course with certain environmental requirements. so you sleep, wake up and you open up your eyes to ravish in the beauty of nature.

btw, have you ever wondered, why rainbows are in the shape of frowns? i mean..there are raindrops all over the sky, shouldn't the whole sky be rainbow-coloured instead? call me naive but i am reading up on it to understand :D