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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Made of Win,

z-win \ zack-win(US); zee-win(UK) \, noun, verb;
1. a person that temporizes habitually so much so that the person wrecks his midlife : you are such a z-win.

-verb ( used without object )
1.  to procrastinate continuously until the point of ruining one's midlife : stop z-winning already.

1. z-win after z-win, to screw up in midlife again & again due to one's laziness : That idiot of a guy is doing a z-win after z-win.

1. fucked up person

Origin :
2006-2010;  a difficult word to trace, thought to have originated from an anonymous figure but presumably, it's a word that's more ancient than it seems. the word apparently contains far greater meanings in olden italian;
'z-ween' isi sowo fuckkad tupp'

HAHAHAHA. i couldn't resist :D hehe. i sometimes wonder if things wouldn't have been different if i had gone to a co-ed school. maybe i could've had a semi-real sister, one that i find myself needing more and more as the days pass. maybe i'd have an easier time trusting girls no matter what. maybe.

i don't want to believe anymore.


violence happens in gaza strip again :( i am still reading up on it right now. +1 to ww3!


  1. hahaha i on the other hand needs a semi real brother, somekind of a role model i guess =)

  2. HAHAHAHA. well sometimes it depends on the situations brothers can help in mostly type A kinda probs sisters can help in mostly type B kinda issues. but i ain't finding for a role model just for a series of mindfucking(:

    p/s got that term from a friend. haha.
